Package io.papermc.paper.event.entity
package io.papermc.paper.event.entity
ClassDescriptionIs called when an
appears in front of aPlayer
.Called when an entity attempts to perform a smash attack.Called when an item is about to be composted by an entity.Called when an item on or used by an entity takes durability damage as a result of being hit/used.Called when an entity is dyed.An event that is triggered when an entity receives a potion effect instantly or when the potion effect is applied on each tick (e.g.Called whenever a change to an entity's equipment has been detected.Represents a change in equipment for a single equipment slot.Called when two entities mate and the mating process results in a fertilization.Called when an entity enters the hitbox of a block.Called when an entity receives knockback.An enum to specify the cause of the knockback.Called when a LivingEntity loads a crossbow with a projectile.Holds information for living entity movement eventsCalled when an entity is ready to be teleported by a plugin.Fired when an entity is pushed by another entity's attack.Is called when an entity sits down or stands up.Called just before aPufferFish
inflates or deflates.Fired when a shulker duplicates itself by spawning a new shulker.Called when aTameable
dies and sends a death message.Called when a Warden's anger level has changed due to another entity.Called when a splash water potion "splashes" and affects different entities in different ways.