Class PlayerClientLoadedWorldEvent


@NullMarked public class PlayerClientLoadedWorldEvent extends PlayerEvent
Called when a player is marked as loaded.

This either happens when the player notifies the server after loading the world (closing the downloading terrain screen) or when the player has not done so for 60 ticks after joining the server or respawning.

  • Constructor Details

    • PlayerClientLoadedWorldEvent

      @Internal public PlayerClientLoadedWorldEvent(Player who, boolean timeout)
  • Method Details

    • isTimeout

      public boolean isTimeout()
      True if the event was triggered because the server has not been notified by the player for 60 ticks after the player joined the server or respawned.
      true if the event was triggered because of a timeout
    • getHandlers

      public HandlerList getHandlers()
      Specified by:
      getHandlers in class Event
    • getHandlerList

      public static HandlerList getHandlerList()