Interface PlayerProfile

All Superinterfaces:
Cloneable, ConfigurationSerializable, PlayerProfile

@NullMarked public interface PlayerProfile extends PlayerProfile
Represents a players profile for the game, such as UUID, Name, and textures.
  • Method Details

    • getName

      @Nullable String getName()
      Description copied from interface: PlayerProfile
      Gets the player name.
      Specified by:
      getName in interface PlayerProfile
      The players name, if set
    • setName

      @Deprecated(forRemoval=true, since="1.18.1") String setName(@Nullable String name)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Sets this profiles Name
      name - The new Name
      The previous Name
    • getId

      @Nullable UUID getId()
      The players unique identifier, if set
    • setId

      @Deprecated(forRemoval=true, since="1.18.1") @Nullable UUID setId(@Nullable UUID uuid)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Sets this profiles UUID
      uuid - The new UUID
      The previous UUID
    • getTextures

      PlayerTextures getTextures()
      Gets the PlayerTextures of this profile. This will build a snapshot of the current texture data once requested inside PlayerTextures.
      Specified by:
      getTextures in interface PlayerProfile
      the textures, not null
    • setTextures

      void setTextures(@Nullable PlayerTextures textures)
      Copies the given textures.
      Specified by:
      setTextures in interface PlayerProfile
      textures - the textures to copy, or null to clear the textures
    • getProperties

      Set<ProfileProperty> getProperties()
      A Mutable set of this players properties, such as textures. Values specified here are subject to implementation details.
    • hasProperty

      boolean hasProperty(@Nullable String property)
      Check if the Profile has the specified property
      property - Property name to check
      If the property is set
    • setProperty

      void setProperty(ProfileProperty property)
      Sets a property. If the property already exists, the previous one will be replaced
      property - Property to set.
      IllegalArgumentException - if setting the property results in more than 16 properties
    • setProperties

      void setProperties(Collection<ProfileProperty> properties)
      Sets multiple properties. If any of the set properties already exist, it will be replaced
      properties - The properties to set
      IllegalArgumentException - if the number of properties exceeds 16
    • removeProperty

      boolean removeProperty(@Nullable String property)
      Removes a specific property from this profile
      property - The property to remove
      If a property was removed
    • removeProperty

      default boolean removeProperty(ProfileProperty property)
      Removes a specific property from this profile
      property - The property to remove
      If a property was removed
    • removeProperties

      default boolean removeProperties(Collection<ProfileProperty> properties)
      Removes all properties in the collection
      properties - The properties to remove
      If any property was removed
    • clearProperties

      void clearProperties()
      Clears all properties on this profile
    • isComplete

      boolean isComplete()
      Description copied from interface: PlayerProfile
      Checks whether this profile is complete.

      A profile is currently considered complete if it has a name, a unique id, and textures.

      Specified by:
      isComplete in interface PlayerProfile
      If the profile is now complete (has UUID and Name)
    • completeFromCache

      boolean completeFromCache()
      Like complete(boolean) but will try only from cache, and not make network calls Does not account for textures.
      If the profile is now complete (has UUID and Name)
    • completeFromCache

      boolean completeFromCache(boolean onlineMode)
      Like complete(boolean) but will try only from cache, and not make network calls Does not account for textures.
      onlineMode - Treat this as online mode or not
      If the profile is now complete (has UUID and Name)
    • completeFromCache

      boolean completeFromCache(boolean lookupUUID, boolean onlineMode)
      Like complete(boolean) but will try only from cache, and not make network calls Does not account for textures.
      lookupUUID - If only name is supplied, should we do a UUID lookup
      onlineMode - Treat this as online mode or not
      If the profile is now complete (has UUID and Name)
    • complete

      default boolean complete()
      If this profile is not complete, then make the API call to complete it. This is a blocking operation and should be done asynchronously.

      This will also complete textures. If you do not want to load textures, use {complete(boolean)}

      If the profile is now complete (has UUID and Name) (if you get rate limited, this operation may fail)
    • complete

      boolean complete(boolean textures)
      If this profile is not complete, then make the API call to complete it. This is a blocking operation and should be done asynchronously.

      Optionally will also fill textures.

      Online mode will be automatically determined

      textures - controls if we should fill the profile with texture properties
      If the profile is now complete (has UUID and Name) (if you get rate limited, this operation may fail)
    • complete

      boolean complete(boolean textures, boolean onlineMode)
      If this profile is not complete, then make the API call to complete it. This is a blocking operation and should be done asynchronously.

      Optionally will also fill textures.

      textures - controls if we should fill the profile with texture properties
      onlineMode - Treat this server as online mode or not
      If the profile is now complete (has UUID and Name) (if you get rate limited, this operation may fail)
    • update

      Produces an updated player profile based on this profile.

      This tries to produce a completed profile by filling in missing properties (name, unique id, textures, etc.), and updates existing properties (e.g. name, textures, etc.) to their official and up-to-date values. This operation does not alter the current profile, but produces a new updated PlayerProfile.

      If no player exists for the unique id or name of this profile, this operation yields a profile that is equal to the current profile, which might not be complete.

      This is an asynchronous operation: Updating the profile can result in an outgoing connection in another thread in order to fetch the latest profile properties. The returned CompletableFuture will be completed once the updated profile is available. In order to not block the server's main thread, you should not wait for the result of the returned CompletableFuture on the server's main thread. Instead, if you want to do something with the updated player profile on the server's main thread once it is available, you could do something like this:

       profile.update().thenAcceptAsync(updatedProfile -> {
           // Do something with the updated profile:
           // ...
       }, runnable -> Bukkit.getScheduler().runTask(plugin, runnable));
      Specified by:
      update in interface PlayerProfile
      a completable future that gets completed with the updated PlayerProfile once it is available
    • hasTextures

      default boolean hasTextures()
      Whether this Profile has textures associated to it
      If it has a textures property