Interface SculkSensor

All Superinterfaces:
BlockState, Metadatable, PersistentDataHolder, PersistentDataViewHolder, TileState
All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface SculkSensor extends TileState
Represents a captured state of a sculk sensor
  • Method Details

    • getLastVibrationFrequency

      int getLastVibrationFrequency()
      Gets the last vibration frequency of this sensor. Different activities detected by the sensor will produce different frequencies and dictate the output of connected comparators.
      frequency between 0-15.
    • setLastVibrationFrequency

      void setLastVibrationFrequency(int lastVibrationFrequency)
      Sets the last vibration frequency of this sensor. Different activities detected by the sensor will produce different frequencies and dictate the output of connected comparators.
      lastVibrationFrequency - frequency between 0-15.
    • getListenerRange

      int getListenerRange()
      Gets the range this sensor listens to events at.
      the range (defaults to 8)
    • setListenerRange

      void setListenerRange(int range)
      Sets the range this sensor will listen to events from.
      range - the range (must be greater than 0)