Interface ClassPathLibrary

All Known Implementing Classes:
JarLibrary, MavenLibraryResolver

@NullMarked public interface ClassPathLibrary
The classpath library interface represents libraries that are capable of registering themselves via register(LibraryStore) on any given LibraryStore.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Called to register the library this class path library represents into the passed library store.
  • Method Details

    • register

      void register(LibraryStore store) throws LibraryLoadingException
      Called to register the library this class path library represents into the passed library store. This method may either be implemented by the plugins themselves if they need complex logic, or existing API exposed implementations of this interface may be used.
      store - the library store instance to register this library into
      LibraryLoadingException - if library loading failed for this classpath library